
We rely on your generous contributions to cover server costs, advertising efforts, ensure stability, improve gameplay and offer you the most thrilling and smooth gaming experience possible. Every bit counts.

  • For every $1 you donate, you'll receive 100 Cash Points in return. You can use these points to trade for exciting in-game items such as consumables, costumes, and equipment.

Our donation process is instant, secure and straightforward, powered by Stripe.

How to Donate

  1. Click on this 'Donate' button.
  2. Enter the amount you wish to donate.
  3. Follow the Stripe instructions to complete your donation.
  4. Make sure to enter your email properly, as it is necessary for instant processing.

Stripe Payment Requires No Account!

  • Accepts most debit cards & credit cards
  • ApplePay, Google Pay, Cash AppPay, Link (may need to open URL on your mobile device)
  • Some bank wire transfers (delay of 3-4 business days)

Instant Donation Processing

Once your donation is completed, please visit the Donation Girl NPC located in the southeast corner of the Center of Prontera (168 177). The Donation Girl will ask for the email address used during check out and process any pending donation to your account.

If you have any questions or issues, you may contact our administrator via Discord (FlexRO#3779) or our Helpdesk. Remember to provide your character's name and donation details along with your request.

Please note, the time needed to process your request can vary depending on the administrator's availability. We'll do our best to serve you within 12-24 hours.

We deeply appreciate your patience and support.